Collection of scientifiс works of
the Institute of Geological Sciences
NAS of Ukraine

About The Author

Т.М. Sokur

Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Petrochemical diagnostics of volcanogenic rocks of the Upper Proterozoic on the south-western slope of East-European platform
Т.М. Sokur

Purpose of research is to identify of genetic nature and conditions of formation of tuff and tuffaceous mudstones of bronnitsa layers and diagnosis camouflaged pyroclastics in the mudstones of yaryshevskaya formation, comparing the conditions of transformation of volcanogenic products in bernashevka and zinkov layers. To achieve this goal were applied petrographic, geochemical, mineralogical and various other methods of research of mudstone.

acidic volcanism; tuff and tuffaceous mudstones; upper proterozoic; East-European platform
Full Text
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