Liliana I. Petrenko
A deep borehole repository is geologic disposal system options currently under study by the U.S., Sweden, South Korea and other countrys to support the development of a long-term strategy for geologic disposal of commercial used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. The basic conceptions of deep borehole disposal are studied in the article. For example, the concept of low-temperature and high-temperature systems, the concept of deep self-burial disposal well, the 5-kilometer borehole disposal. The latest concept for geological conditions of Ukraine is the most suitable. Also analyzed the problem of the material of the canisters and the approximate cost of drilling, which is found in the literature. The possible choices of containers material (lead, copper, titanium) for Ukraine are considered. Ukraine is a country with significant deposits of titanium ore. Therefore, the choice of titanium as perspective material for the manufacture of containers for radioactive waste, can significantly affect the lower cost of disposal of radioactive waste in Ukraine, while ensuring the safety of disposal.
high-level radioactive waste; disposal; borehole repository; material of the canisters; cost of drilling
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Liliana I. Petrenko