Collection of scientifiс works of
the Institute of Geological Sciences
NAS of Ukraine

About The Author

Anatolii P. Chernov, Roman P. Goliaka

Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Identification of heterogeneities in the upper part of geological medium with Ground penetrating radar VIY3-300
Anatolii P. Chernov, Roman P. Goliaka

This paper is devoted to investigations of heterogeneities in the geological medium with GPR. The main principles of GPR survey specifications of GPR VIY3-300 (300 MHz antenna) also mentioned in that paper. Results of investigations are represented by radarograms with matches of observed objects on four sites of investigations: 1. Experimental polygon. 2. Granite quarry. 3. Outcrops of granite and their coverage by sedimentary rocks. 4. Evaluation of the depth to the borders between layers of soil under the foundation of the building. According to the results, it is possible to detect fissures, metal and plastic pipes, border between layers with different permittivity with GPR VIY3-300 (300 MHz antenna).

ground penetrating radar; GPR; radargram; engineering geology; granite; near surface geophysics
Full Text
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  6. LLC Transient Technologies [Web-page]. Link: