Collection of scientifiс works of
the Institute of Geological Sciences
NAS of Ukraine

About The Author

M.D. Petryniak, O.M. Cheremisska, Yu.V. Cheremissky

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv

Mechanic effect of the living organizms for the sedimentology formation and geochemical situation of the mineral genesis
M.D. Petryniak, O.M. Cheremisska, Yu.V. Cheremissky

In the sedimentary rocks of the Dobrotiv and Stebnik’s suite of the Precarpathian foredeep the results of the deformation, caused by the living organizmes are founded. They can be divided into consedimental mechanical and geochemical by the specific of their appearance. This facts show important moments of the geological and geochemical processes on the way of their lithyfication.

Dobrotiv suite; Stebnik’s suite; mechanical deformation; redox boundary
Full Text
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