Collection of scientifiс works of
the Institute of Geological Sciences
NAS of Ukraine

About The Author

O.P. Olshtynska

Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Yu.A. Tymchenko

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Dіатоms in Holocene sediments of the Karkinitskyi bay coastal part, the Black Sea
O.P. Olshtynska, Yu.A. Tymchenko

Three sections of Lower-Middle Holocene sediments of different lithologic composition were recovered at cores in the coastal part of the Karkinitskyi bay, the Black Sea. There were occur abundant fossil diatoms in the horizons. Diatom assemblages are characteristic of brackish lagoons with shallow water which protected from the open sea. The main peculiarity of the assemblages is the dominance of Campylodiscus, Surirella, Diploneis, Tryblionella genera in the benthos, and Paralia, Actinocyclus, Thalassiosira ones in the plankton. The vertical trend of relative abundance of the diatom ecological groups at the sedimentary sections indicates the successive environmental transformations under the influence of abiotic agents. The results of the diatom analysis allowed to reconstruct the Holocene sedimentary environments in shallow coastal part of the Karkinitskyi bay. On the base of micropalaeontological data the sequence and the direction of changes of sedimentological conditions in the basin were revealed. The gradual replacement of brackish diatom species to marine ones, the increasing of number and abundance of marine taxa, from bottom to top, and predominance of marine plankton in upper part of sections are the evidence of Holocene sea-level and salinity rising. The studied region was characterized by shallow water, littoral/sublittoral conditions, and salinity fluctuations in the Holocene.

bottom sediments; sedimentation; diatoms; the Holocene; the Black Sea
Full Text
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