Collection of scientifiс works of
the Institute of Geological Sciences
NAS of Ukraine

About The Author

V.B. Rever

Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals, Lviv

New data of Eocene deposits of the north-western Black Sea shelf
V.B. Rever

Territory of researches includes the north-western Black Sea shelf, where Eocene deposits are opened by numerous wells on 17 structures. On a basis of lithological studying of this complex the types of lithological sections for each Eocene substages are established. Areas of dominating development of terrigenous and carbonate deposits are established. Results are given is a basis for geological paleooceanography reconstructions of the Carpathian-Black Sea segment of the Tethys ocean. They give the chance to realize correlation with one-age Eocene deposits spreading in adjoining regions of the East European platform and Carpathian orogene.

Black Sea shelf; lithofacies; types of sections; Eocene deposits
Full Text
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