Collection of scientifiс works of
the Institute of Geological Sciences
NAS of Ukraine

About The Author

V.P. Gnidets, A.O. Rever (Andriyasheva)

Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Geological-paleooceanographic environments of the Lower Majkop deposits of Azov-Kerch region
V.P. Gnidets, A.O. Rever (Andriyasheva)

Detailed investigations of the lihological strucrure of Early Oligocene (three types of Lower Maykop sections were distinguished) were made. The lithological-facial schemes of Lower Maykop in Azovo-Kerch region, which reflect the spatial-temporal features of strata forming components (terrigenous rocks and argillites) distribution in sections were built. Mineralogical-petrographic composition of the rocks was characterized. The features of the litmological structure of Lower Maykop deposits were studied. Geological-paleooceanographic model of Azov-Kerch region on the beginning of Early Oligocene was built.

Maykop series; section types; lithological-facial scheme; litmites; paleooceanography
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